So my vocal microphone was dramatically dashed into hardwood floor while attached to it's stand...for over a week I assumed that it was completely ruined because I had been told it was very sensitive to that sort of thing when I bought it. Today, out of the blue, I decided to try it out anyway and....WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE! It worked just as fabulously as it did before :) So I recorded a phenomenal version of a song I was just commissioned to write by a friend who's an art major and needed a song to incorporate into a senior's called Shades of Grey (Amber's Song) hence the title of this blog post... the recording is all me and garage
I also started much work on a painting...I don't paint very often but again, it's sort of commissioned (different person though). Here's some photos of the work in progress:
This is a photo - of the photo - both of which I took myself...that I based my painting on :)
the unfinished painting with the photo
my palattes
close-up of unfinished flower
I'm an artist and photographer on the There's something you might not have known about me. I can also hand-make grapevine wreaths...and I like ice cream...okay. now i'm going too far.... i'll share more photos and paintings in future posts if anyone shows any interest in me doing so...if not - i'll probably put them up anyway...ha ha. well other than that, the ancient edison style electric wiring in this house is being touchy so some days there's spurts of no electricity or no electricity all day EXCEPT for key places ( i swear that someone handpicked the most important areas of our house to work). Our fridge stays on as well as our washer and dryer. Our electric water pump stays on (without which we would have neither hot nor cold water), each bathroom has a light that works, and our entire art/music room that we use almost someone was seemingly looking out for us in deciding which parts of the house would be in the dark...oh and the attic lights work...weird. All of this means simply that the basics of life have been a little chaotic, but I've gotten through it so far and I'll continue to do so whether or not I ever get to the other side of the struggle. Hope everyone is well! Videos to come soon...though they'll be a little out of the'll see what I mean..
*Kori Eryn*