Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winter in New England

I thought I'd post up some pictures I took of the snow here in Rhode Island...or at least in the immediate area surrounding my house. So here they are:

Blurry sunset? awesome.

Experimenting with the mirror.

I've posted some of my better photographs on :)

Here's a photo (courtesy of Keith Cowley) of my little show at Applebees on January 22, 2010. It was swell. I was really nervous at first but I relaxed after a while and had a blast! Thanks to any that came out to see me :)

I had to learn a lot of covers for that show, so I'll be putting them to good use via my youtube channel. So be on the lookout!!

*kori eryn*

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blogging first thing in the morning...

So yesterday, I determined to record a song. I chose an original called Once Again. It was always my Nonie's favorite. I wrote it when I was 13 or 14 - one of the first I ever wrote after having picked up the guitar. Then, as I was practicing, I decided I needed a distinct ending. So I started playing around with some different pickings. Having found something that sounded cool, I decided I would make an outro to the song where it picks up a little and give it some energy (it's kind of a slow ballad-type song). However, the music has a mind of it's own and decided it needed to be a separate entity from Once Again entirely. So I switched up the capo position and got to work on some lyrics and melody. Two hours later, I had a finished song.
I made special arrangements to my day so that for 3 more hours, I could record the video. The audio tracks are the base recording of the guitar and me together, the harmony vocals, and the second guitar. I had some timing fluctuations, but I forgive myself having just written the song and it being so new. I had the lyrics typed up on the screen so that I could read off of them while I recorded. This is the first time I've ever had to do this with an original. Usually I just have them in my head, since they're usually either very old songs or at least one's that I'm very familiar with having had a lot of opportunities to practice them. Regardless, I enjoyed doing the video cuts and working with the lighting, etc.

One of my loves either second or equivalent to music, of which I know very little, is film. I find it utterly fascinating. What I create cannot be truly considered film, I know, but it's the thought that counts. Literature, film, music - fascinating. They all go hand in hand to me. I wish I was more cultured and versed in them.
While I'm thinking of it, I thought I'd mention that the book shown in the Tempest Makes Me Shiver video is indeed The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien. He is a mastermind. Language, I forgot, is another long lost love of mine and Tolkien was a master of language in particular. I thought seriously of becoming a linguist when I was in high school, but it never panned out.
Also, in the video, there are two clips of a shot that looks like scribble letters and a map behind it. That is a bookmark that I drew and laminated of a map of Middle Earth and the inscription of the One Ring is written in elvish script across the middle. I love this bookmark. It stays in my book always :) I'm laughing at myself for sharing this in a blog right now, but it's part of who I am. Take it or leave it, I
I did a little work on my youtube channel background and used a similar background for my iLike banner. It was a fun little project that, since I don't have a specialized program for graphic designing, I had to be creative in using programs like 'preview' and 'powerpoint' to get the job done. haha. well, I'll catch up more later!

*kori eryn*

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

just happy

I recorded a video cover of the Fleet Foxes "White Winter Hymnal" that I'm excited about. Thanks to my friend Z, there's no more buzzing in the audio track. Electronics malfunction around me, apparently they do the opposite around him. I think together, we evened it out and the audio cooperated :)

The video should be in the video box to the left or on youtube.

I've had requests for more originals so I'll work on that in my future videos but I also have another Laura Marling song I want to put up. I'll just have to do a little of both. If anyone has a request for any covers, send them my way and I'll consider them :)

Other than that, I'm trying to get a little store up and running on etsy. I'll be sewing things like decorative pillows, pillow cases, blankets (any size from crib/infant to king), crib bumpers and burp cloths/bibs, as well as tablecloths, table runners, and cloth napkins and beaded napkin rings. I have a lot to do before this is all up and functioning properly but i'm taking orders. Everything at a reasonable price. I'm not trying to get rich off of it or live in a mansion, I'm just trying to make it by. The prices all depend on the item chosen and the fabric being used. I'm definitely accommodating in making sure the product is what was desired. So email me with any requests and we'll work together on it. I'm actually working on a request - a vest. I know it's not on the list of things I make, but I'm open to suggestions.

Stay tuned for more to come in the amazing adventures of my
And happy new year to everyone.

*kori eryn*

Friday, January 1, 2010


I need a better attitude.
"This attitude's no better than hitting the floor"
I need to learn how to be okay with a step by step process to just about everything in life. And also, I need to get better at figuring out the steps to accomplish my goals.
I have a toddler to potty train, blankets and other sewn home items to make and hopefully sell for profit on etsy and elsewhere, youtube videos and audio recordings to create, a tolerable part time job to find, a career in music to launch, an education to hopefully continue starting this year, a novel to continue writing and all the research that goes along with it, and my sanity to keep intact. I've been re-reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy again and watching all the documentaries that accompany the brilliant films by Peter Jackson and it's reminded me how inspiring the film process is.
Here's to keeping my head screwed on tight over the coming months...

*kori eryn*

Here's my brand new artist Facebook...What should I include? Any suggestions as to make it more appealing? I haven't really started yet but hopefully it'll be one of the things I begin working on this coming week...

Here I Am

My photo
Westerly, Rhode Island, United States
Life without music is like a movie without a soundtrack. Without one another, neither would be complete.