I played a total of 5 songs that night. I played a brand new song that is yet untitled, a song called Stay Anyway, another original called Twice, another called Reason for Rain, and a cover of Free Falling that I play as a mix between the original by Tom Petty and the brilliant cover by John Mayer. I also felt creative and realized that Free Falling has the same chords as the chorus of the song Love Story by Taylor Swift, so......I decided to transition into that and back to free falling :) oh what an adventure. It was a ton of fun. Maybe next time I will have a friend video tape the performance to share with the online community. I think that'd be a fun project. The open mic at Perks and Corks, the local coffee shop/martini bar, is every monday night so hopefully soon i can share something more satisfying than photos. lol
*kori eryn*